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Superannuation Superannuation


Advice Shop’s superannuation specialists will ensure your client’s superannuation fund is the most appropriate vehicle for their needs and situation, uniquely designed to help save money during their working life that will support the lifestyle they want in retirement.

We can advise on contributions made to superannuation during your client’s working life and how these funds are invested using a range of investment assets, such as cash, fixed interest, shares, property and alternative investments.

Our specialists can advise your clients on key features and benefits of super funds, including:

  • Investment choice
  • Investment performance
  • Insurance options
  • Fees and charges


Self-managed superannuation funds (SMSF) are a popular method of saving for retirement. They allow your clients to make their own investment decisions. This requires some major financial decisions that require time and skill.

Advice Shop’s superannuation specialists have the expertise to guide and assist your clients with all aspects of a SMSF whether it be explaining what a SMSF is, the benefits of having a SMSF, who the governing bodies are, understanding the obligations and rules of a SMSF, or specific advice on investment opportunities.

By working collaboratively with you, our specialists will help ensure your client receives the most beneficial and secure solution for their superannuation requirements.

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