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Aged Care Aged Care

With an ageing population and a complex set of rules for accommodation choices, aged care advice is becoming an increasingly important area for accountants to be involved in.  

Advice Shop’s financial advisory specialists can help your client make the best decision in what can be a time that requires fast action under considerable stress.  Often your client will be the child or relative acting on behalf of the person needing care who want to feel they are making the best and right choices for their person. 

Our specialists can advise on issues such as whether to sell or retain the family home, rent the home, how best to pay for the accommodation (periodic or lump sum), whether to hold current investments or if they should consider new investments.

While some aged care advice can be provided outside the Australian Financial Services (AFS) licensing regime, inappropriate or incorrect advice could see ramifications that effect any entitlements the aged person may be receiving.  

By working collaboratively with you, our specialists will help ensure your client receives the most beneficial and affective solution for their aged care situation.

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