Providing expertise to ensure your clients prosper!

At Advice Shop we acknowledge that no one person can be all things to all people. As a result we have developed an extensive team of
financial, legal and commercial specialists so you can provide additional advice to your clients and still be their main point of contact.


Instant ability to offer additional advice and services to your clients delivering substantial value over and above traditional Accounting, Taxation, Business and Bookkeeping services.


Peace of mind knowing they are receiving specialist financial advice, tailored specifically to their circumstances, with their trusted adviser co-ordinating the entire process.

Why choose Advice Shop?

A constant challenge faced by Accountants and Bookkeepers is how to offer more valuable services to their clients when they’re already facing serious time constraints, they only have limited in house resources available and they don’t have the appropriate referral arrangements in place. 

At Advice Shop our mission is to provide a practical answer to this problem.

Our aim is to improve and grow your business by keeping you firmly in the position as your client’s most trusted and valued adviser. We do this by providing you access to a team of quality, licenced professionals, across all key disciplines, who will work in collaboration with you to provide your clients with tailored advice to suit all their financial and business needs.

By working in collaboration with Advice Shop, you will be able to offer a greater diversity of advice whilst always maintaining compliance with the relevant financial services legislation and without incurring the upfront and ongoing cost, time commitment and technical obligations associated with obtaining and holding many different qualifications or licences.

For your role as the key driver in coordinating holistic, tailored advice, you will be part of the Advice Shop’s collaborative remuneration model. This provides a revenue stream to your business commensurate with the value you deliver to your clients through proactively engaging with them.

Tailored solutions for your clients.

Our experts will work in collaboration with you as the Accountant or Bookkeeper to collectively develop strategies tailored specifically for your clients. Relevant specialties can be combined into a packaged solution and delivered over an agreed period of time at a fixed price.

Delivering expertise through collaboration.

Our specialists have significant experience in assisting other professionals to deliver expert advice to their clients, enhancing already strong relationships.

Click on our interactive tools to initiate important conversations with your clients.

Find out more

  Call   0412 127 460